Brussels Capıtal Unıversıty
Brussels Capital University is a higher education institution offering online distance education. Brussels Capital University’s online training based model is supported by competent academics from different universities throughout Europe. Brussels Capital University is a corporate educational institution aiming to introduce Europe’s systematic and successful education system to the world countries with online education model and educate its students by European Union standards by starting university education from locally and spread it globally.
Brussels Capital University aims to provide online education system parallel to the European education system by the academicians in its own country and also aims to bring a new approach to university education by meeting the academicians and students under the roof Brussels Capital University in the countries granted with its representation.
Brussels Capital University also owns many important social responsibility projects and cooperates with many non governmental organizations to realize these projects. Physical disabilities and a large amount of social section which cannot complete higher education due to social restrictions and this is an important social problem in Asia and also in developing countries. Brussels Capital University’s main organizational goals for disad vantaged groups to complete higher education, thus achieving personal development, occupation and socialization.