
Advantages of Dıstance Educatıon

Distance education is a learning method that is an alternative to traditional learning methods. In this method, there are efficient programs developed for students. It is an institutional educational activity where students, teachers and teaching materials in different places are brought together through communication technologies.

We can also define Distance Education as follows; Is an institutional educational activity that brings together student teachers and teaching materials in different places via communication technologies. Distance education is a teaching-learning model that provides a wide range of student mass as well as life-long necessity. It is a training-education model that enables people who cannot benefit from traditional education system to develop their knowledge and skills.

The benefits of distance education on the Internet compared to traditional distance education are:

• Information is sent to the whole world from the training center,

• There is no any mailing cost. Information distribution is done over the Internet with zero printing and transportation costs,

• All information is corrected and updated from single service,

• Interaction between trainer and learner are made with various teaching techniques such as text, graphic communication,

• Internet allows collaboration in writing,

• Students make their feedback easily.