Instructor Onlıne Applıcatıon Form
If you are a teacher, professor, industry expert or a thought leader, and would like to take up an additional teaching responsibility, consider becoming an adjunct faculty member at bcuni University. Bcuni Univeristy provides you a highly rewarding academic career that allows you to teach students from more than 14 countries, by leveraging bcuni’s global best educational platform. To become an adjunct faculty member, simply fill our application form. If you are approved, you will be provided with complete information and assistance on using bcuni’s platform of online education.
Why Become a BCUNI Faculty Member?
- Global Recognition and Rewards: Becoming a bcuni University faculty will further establish your position as an authority in your area of expertise and teaching. You will get to interact with students from more than 4 countries in on platform that enables true spirit of teaching and learning. As a faculty member you will also get a chance to interact with experts from around the world, providing you a rich learning experience which will contribute towards your career growth.
- Work Part-time Earn Full-time from anywhere in the world: You will have full control over the number of courses you want to teach, your schedule and above all, the course content.
- Create your own courses, set your own fee: This partnership will entitle all your employees to a huge 5% fee cut on their favorite education from Brussels Capital University. No other university of our caliber offers this much discounted tuition to its students.
- Leverage Brussels Capital University’s Potential: As a faculty member, you can leverage two things. Firstly, the the global best educational platoform where you can create courses of areas you wish to teach and secondly, the large number of students that Brussels Capital University attracts who would then enroll to study your courses. Further through Brussels Capital University’s dynamic rating system, your courses will be promoted on a network of other faculty member pages, forums, and student areas.
- Exclusive Pricing and Discounts: In order to faciliate enrollments through faculty members, Brussels Capital offers exclusive discounts to students enrolling through Brussels Capital faculty member websites. Additionally, revenue is also shared with faculty members for students who enroll in programs other than the ones offered / created by the faculty member
- Utilizing Brussels Capital University Educational Library for Course Creation: Brussels Capital University has a large database of learning modules which can be freely used by Faculty Members to create courses. This includes interactive learning games, videos, and flash based learning excercices. Furthermore, faculty members are also faciliating in creation of their own interactive learning modules by Brussels Capital University.
For Faculty Facilitation:
- Co-branded website: Brussels Capital University offers free co-branded website to faciliate student enrollment. The website features easy to enroll sign-up forms, which are trackable, in order to transparently record enrollments from Faculty member Websites.
- Faculty Kit: The faculty member kit, provided to all faculty members comprises of faculty brochure and marketing collateral
- Faculty Certificate: An official faculty certificate is provided to faculty members, certifying their status as Brussels Capital University faculty members.
Account Area: The online account area provides alerts and updates for faculty members. Additionally the faculty members can use the area to directly enroll students into Brussels Capital University. The area also provides up-to-date account picture of the amount a faculty member has earned.