Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services

Our training consultants are constantly working to guide you on any issue.

Register Advisor

Your register advisor will be at your side during the entire admission process for pro-grams, tuition fees, and will help you with any questions you need before you begin your classes. It will also provide necessary information on credit transfer. Together with your advisor, you will create a training plan that will enable you to complete your degree ac-cording to your own rules.

Academic Advisor

Your academic advisor will be in contact with you during your studies with Brussels Capital University. Your academic advisor will not only help you while choosing your courses, but will also activate your online classes and schedule your courses. Advisor will help you in every way from the day you are registered to the day you graduate. Also help you as a financial ad-visor. Accordingly, financial options, scholarship opportunities, payment options, such as payment options you want to know about every solution will be required.

Career Advisor

A career counselor will work for you if you want to take advantage of our career services. The career counselor will give you the skills to improve your recruitment, such as preparing a Cur-riculum Vitae (C.V), creating your professional network, using interview techniques, wage bargaining. She/he will also keep you informed about suitable open positions.