

Faculty at our client colleges, such as Mt. San Antonio College and Chaffey College, who once hesitated to adopt distance learning due to concerns about lower student success rates, are now planning to move forward with more online classes. More and more colleges are evaluating...

Great Opportunıty To Study In London

Give your career an international direction with us. English language is very necessary for your carrier. Attention Must be Paid .You will have an unforgettable and memorable learning experience. English language is very necessary for your carrier. Attention Must be Paid .You will have an unforgettable...

A Short Hıstory Of Educatıonal Technology

The first section of my chapter on ‘Understanding Technology in Education’ for my open textbook on Teaching in a Digital Age was a brief introduction to the challenge of choosing technologies in education. This section aims to provide a little historical background. The first section of...

What Is Dıstance Educatıon?

Open learning is primarily a goal, or an educational policy. An essential characteristic of open learning is the removal of barriers to learning. This means no prior qualifications to study, and for students with disabilities, a determined effort to provide education in a suitable form...

Dıstance Educatıon

Asynchronous computer conferencing, social constructivism and collaborative distance learning are important concepts in e-learning. Asynchronous online learning activities increase flexibility and access. It may also enhance the quality of learning. Introduction Life continues to change at a fast pace. The global knowledge base is growing exponentially and...

Dıstance Learnıng Global Trends And Optıons

Distance education has been in existence for centuries, believe it or not, since the mid 1800s. Distance education has been in existence for centuries, believe it or not, since the mid 1800s. Earlier distance learning programs were typically in the form of correspondence, requiring learners to...