Today, because of the increase in the division of labor and specialization, areas such as general management and hospital management besides business management have gained special importance. According to research results and changing legislation, written and visual in recent years, hospital management is shown as a favorite profession of the 21st century. Health management in our country is an increasingly important occupation. Thanks to our Health Management Doctoral Program, which aims to train professionals in the best way and to train those who have the necessary equipment in this regard, we can meet the professional health management need based on contemporary and modern health management/administration. The need to be met in institutions, better planning, organizing, coordination, execution and supervision of health services in these institutions will be provided.

Graduating from this program will ensure that health management resources are used efficiently, effectively, economically, accessible and in good quality. This will ensure continuous improvement of the services offered in the hospitals of today’s most complex businesses.

The program covers eight academic terms and aims to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for management, operation and planning activities that are valid in health institutions and organizations; has been established to provide training on issues such as management and organization in health institutions, research methods, marketing, cost accounting, human resources, quality and applications, comparative health systems, health economics, management economics and health law.