What is Art History Department?
History of art; the study of art objects in their historical development and stylistic context; type, design, form and style. Paintings, sculpture, architecture, ceramics, furniture and other decorative objects are called the materials of art history. Art history, by developing the skills of looking closely, identifying and logical use of historical sources, as well as interpreting the richness of visual culture that surrounds us, historically in various social and cultural fields. It offers tools and words to create a grounded understanding of artistic production.

How many years is the Art History Education Period?
Art History Department is a 4-year undergraduate department that is taught at universities. In addition to the Art History department, it is possible to say that there is another department under the name of Archeology and Art History. This department is also a 4-year undergraduate department. Those who successfully graduate from the Department of Art History are given the title of “Art Historian”.

What are the Art History Department Courses?
Candidate students, who aim to be a student in the Department of Art History, during their education;

Mythology and Iconography,
Introduction to Art History,
Islamic Art,
Byzantine Art,
Western Art,
Turkish Art,
Anatolian Seljuk Art,
Art History Studies,
Principalities Period Art,
Ottoman Art,
Contemporary Art,
Art History Practices,
and more will be responsible for the lessons. Within the scope of the Department of Archeology and Art History, apart from the above-mentioned courses; They are also responsible for courses such as Anatolian Archeology, Buildings and Cities, Ancient Near East Art and Archeology.

What Does an Art History Graduate Do?
Art history teaches students to analyze visual and sensory evidence, along with textual evidence, found in various works of art, architecture and design.

What are the Job Opportunities for Art History Graduates?
Art History Department graduates can be employed in museums and conservation boards, governorships, municipalities, state culture and history institutions, libraries, archives, art centers affiliated to the relevant ministries. Apart from these, it is possible for them to take part in museums, companies providing architectural and restoration services, art galleries and private cultural centers in the private sector, as well as in archaeological excavations.