The Kinesiology Diploma Course introduces students to the most popular of the variations and modalities of this natural therapy technique, explaining how they help.

You will learn kinesiology by studying gentle exercises to gain health benefits and self-awareness for yourself, friends, and family members.

As the word ‘Kinesiology’ suggests, this practice is about the therapy and exploration of movement and mechanics within the body. Whether you have arrived at this page because you already have some knowledge of what kinesiology is and want to study it in more detail or you got here another way and have the burning question of ‘What is kinesiology?’, module 1 will bring clarity; exploring the therapy and how it fits in alongside general health. How it is used and practised as a physical treatment of movement, is discussed.

The 2nd module of this online Kinesiology Course provides students with an understanding of the differences between health and ill health, or balance and lack of balance. This is done through briefly explaining the various systems of the body and physiological balance involved within them, which will help students understand the need for re-balancing, which is addressed later in the course.

In kinesiology, it is important to recognise imbalance in the systems of the body, the main technique of doing so being muscle testing, which is explained in module 3. This module covers how to test for and recognise both general and specific imbalances, and also discusses variations within kinesiology.

A big factor in energy breakdowns of the body, is stress. The 4th module of the Kinesiology Diploma Course discusses this link and how muscle testing can identify and, working with other therapies, aid in the recovery of various stresses and their related symptoms.

The 5th module of the course focusses on the role of kinesiology in testing for various allergies, as well as informing students in how each allergy covered affects the body. Also discussed here, is the needs we have as humans along with how kinesiology can provide emotional release.

Having discussed what is possible with the physical muscle testing that is used alongside the other areas discussed in the course so far, the 6th module of the Kinesiology Diploma Course concentrates exclusively on this area. This teaches how to perform muscle tests and what can be done to realign any breakdowns in energy flow.

Kinesiology is strictly speaking, simply a name given to muscle testing, which can provide information to the practitioner about what treatment the client needs. Module 7 explains the various holistic health studies that can be partnered with kinesiology to create a focussed holistic practice. There are several areas that the muscle test can be combined with that will help to: physically re-align the body, make gentle changes or help with lifestyle changes, along with aiding treatment choices for physical injury. The therapies in each area are covered in this module.

The final module of the Kinesiology Diploma Course is all about how to use what you have learned from this course, along with your chosen specialism/s, to create a business. This covers the various areas that you will need to be aware of to build and run a successful business, and keep on top of personal development.

Course Syllabus

What will I learn on the course?

Module 1 What is Kinesiology?

5 parts

Module 2 Body Systems and Balance

4 parts

Module 3 Recognising Imbalance

4 parts

Module 4 Atlas Health

6 parts

Module 5 Allergy and Emotion

4 parts

Module 6 Muscle Testing

4 parts

Module 7 Kinesiology Partners

5 parts

Module 8 A Career in Holistic Kinesiology

5 parts