Parapsychology via distance learning

This program examines the reasons that made scientists, philosophers, and theologians disdain parapsychology. It builds upon a postmodern philosophy that allows the parapsychological evidence to be taken as a serious discipline. Also, it identifies several types of repeatable phenomena that support the existence of extrasensory perception. Using a non-dualistic analysis of the mind and the brain, this program investigates different types of psychic evidence: messages from mediums; apparitions; cases of possession and reincarnation; and out-of-body experiences.

Parapsychology Online via distance learning
Specialist, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor – Parapsychology.

This module is applicable to Specialist, Expert, Bachelor’s, Master’s & Ph.D. (Doctor) Degree Programs. This academic program is designed at the postgraduate level (Master’s or Doctoral). This module may also be adapted to complete the course requirements of Specialist, Expert Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree. A further option is the enrollment into each of the courses listed within this specialization module. This module may be combined or completed with other modules from this faculty. For example: Holistic Integral Therapy – Mythology & Occultism – Religion – Soul Therapy – Spiritual Science – Thanatology Death Studies – Transpersonal Psychology .

What Will You Learn?
The Metaphysics Foundation Diploma Course offers you the opportunity to study the philosophical relation between abstract matters such as space, time, identity and being.

The course begins with an introduction to metaphysics. You’ll explore its connection to physics before looking at the discipline in further detail. Metaphysics is all about discovering what reality is. To give you further insight into this you’ll learn about the ‘structure of reality’. From here you’ll become familiar with the central questions asked in metaphysics, such as: What is existence? What is ‘identity’? What are space and time?

Studying the Metaphysics Foundation Diploma Course, you’ll explore cosmology, with examples from philosophers, astronomers and religions, along with a major part of metaphysics, the philosophy of mind, and the various theories that claim to explain how our minds work in relation to our bodies and the wider world. The course also covers free will, asking important questions on the topic: Does it exist? Or are we pre-determined to do what we do? Do we really have free choice? Discover what various theories have to say.

You’ll delve into the relationship between metaphysics and science, as the course asks whether they are compatible or not and if they can work together. The course also considers whether metaphysics is really valid, and explores the ideas of thinkers who support metaphysics, and those who think it can’t be used to understand reality.

Along with covering the questions that metaphysics asks, you’ll also be guided through the history of this form of philosophy. You’ll explore the thoughts of Western philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, along with modern philosophers, rationalism, and analytical philosophy. The Metaphysics Foundation Diploma Course also considers Eastern philosophy, as you look at classical Chinese, African, Indian and Buddhist metaphysical ideas.

The course rounds out with a short selection of other theories in metaphysics. These include feminist metaphysics, various types of solipsism and more ‘theisms’ than you can count!

Course Syllabus
What will I learn on the course?

Module 1 – An Introduction to Metaphysics
Module 2 – Central Questions of Metaphysics
Module 3 – What is Metaphysical Cosmology?
Module 4 – Mind or Matter?
Module 5 – Does Free Will Exist?
Module 6 – Metaphysics and Science
Module 7 – Is Metaphysics Really Valid?
Module 8 – History of Western Metaphysics
Module 9 – History of International Metaphysics
Module 10 – A Selection of Other Metaphysics Theories

Who Would Benefit from This Course?
The Metaphysics Foundation Diploma Course is perfect for you if you like to think deeper, ask the big questions, expand your wisdom, and understand your place in this existence. Students of our Philosophy Diploma Course or similar courses will enjoy broadening their knowledge on the topic of philosophy but total beginners to this area of study are catered for, as the subject is covered from the ground up.