About the International Relations and Political Science Program

International relations; It includes the study of topics such as foreign policy, international conflict and negotiation, war, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, international trade and economics, and international development. As you can imagine, the broad scope of international relations requires an interdisciplinary approach, using the fields of economics, law, political science, sociology, game theory and even psychology.

It is an academic discipline that focuses on the study of the interactions of actors in international politics, including states and non-state actors such as the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank.

How many years is the International Relations Education Period?
International Relations is a 4-year undergraduate program that can be preferred from the equal weight category. It is possible to see the name of international relations in the names of many different departments such as International Relations and Political Science, Political Science and International Relations, Global Politics and International Relations.

What are the Courses of the Department of International Relations?
Prospective students who plan to pursue a career in International Relations;

Macro economics,
International Economic Theory,
International law,
International Relations and Organizations,
Turkish Foreign Policy,
Political history,
Constitutional law,
Political Science,
Public administration,
Public finance,
Administrative law,
Diplomatic Translation,
Policy Analysis,
They will receive training on courses such as politics, economics, law and diplomacy.

What Do International Relations Graduates Do?
They examine the cultural, economic and diplomatic relations between countries from the past to the present and thus develop strategies.

What are the Job Opportunities for Graduates of International Relations?
Graduates of the Department of International Relations have a wide field of business. Since the department in question has a universal content, it is very decisive for the graduates to be qualified. Apart from that, international relations graduates;

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Ministry of European Union,
National Defense Department,
Ministry of Economy,
Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury,
Competition Authority,
Capital Markets Board (CMB),
In consulates,
They may have the opportunity to pursue a career in government institutions such as Government agencies are recruited as a result of the result of the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS). Apart from these;

Export and Import Firms,
Consulting Companies,
Non-Governmental Organizations,
United Nations (UN),
Organization for Economic and Development Cooperation (OECD),
Political Consulting Companies,
It is possible to work both in the private sector and in organizations that provide services on a global scale.