Programme Profile
The aim of the program that provided Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration field is to nurture leader managers, experts and researchers that are sensitive to the organization’s all stakeholders, conscious about social responsibility and ethics, modern, amicable and have a high risk perception and power to adapt the speed and dynamics of the changing world. Within this framework, it brings students efficient communication skills multi-lingually, analytical thinking ability and snythesis capability with the support of an interdisciplinary education.
Qualification Awarded
The students who have successfuly completed this programme are entitled to receive Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
Level of Qualification
This program provides education at the undergraduate level.
Programme Requirements and Regulations
The Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration is awarded to students who have successfully completed all the compulsory courses in the curriculum and the required number of elective courses in their chosen area of interest on the condition that they have obtained a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 out of 4.00. The minimum number of ECTS credits required for graduation is 240.
Recognition of Prior Learning
It is possible to accept students for Business Administration department by internal or external transfer within the determined quota framework providing that they fulfill the requirements determined by the university senate. Some courses and credits can be accepted as equivalent as in the Bachelor’s program and students can be exempted from these courses and credits on the condition that the courses and credits that students took from the universities they had studied before is found adequate by the department with regards to their contents and credit hours and if these courses or credits don’t take place on any transcript of an equivalent diploma acquired by the student.
Programme Outcomes
1 The acquisition of high-level knowledge of the functions of production management and marketing, management, accounting and finance; the skill of using this knowledge.
2 The acquisition of basic conceptual knowledge about scientific fields related to professional life, such as law, economics, sociology, psychology, social psychology and quantitative methods.
3 The ability to work effectively in a team; the ability to pass on knowledge to other members of the team.
4 The competence to use his/her knowledge on the field, to analyze and interpret the data obtained, to identify the problems encountered, to provide appropriate solutions and scientifically defend these solution suggestions when necessary.
5 The competence to determine the aims and objectives of the company or institution in which he/she is employed by taking into account the needs, the competitive dynamics of the market and by calculating the risks incurred; the ability to engage in entrepreneurship and establish and manage a business.
6 Awareness of constantly updating his/her professional knowledge and skills; the ability to adapt to change and innovation; the competence to evaluate critically the information he/she has acquired.
7 Basic knowledge of information and communication technologies required for professional life; the ability to use core office programs at an advanced level; expertise in data processing and report writing in the IT environment.
8 Ability to follow current information in his/her field in both English and French and to communicate in writing and verbally with stakeholders in both languages.
9 The ability to conduct researches and studies taking into account the market, dynamics of competition, organizational and global factors and scientific methods; contribute to projects, take responsibility in projects, display competence to make innovative and effective decisions.
10 Ability to develop strategies, find creative solutions to management problems by building relations with other areas of the social sciences and take the responsibility of these decisions.
11 Consciousness of taking into account ethical values, when making decisions and being involved in business life.
12 Awareness of the impact of practices related to his/her field on the global and social dimensions (universality of social rights, social justice, cultural values, environmental problems, sustainability, etc.) and their legal consequences.
Occupation Profiles of Graduates
Employment opportunities is voluminous in the Business Administration department. Students who have graduated from this department may work in several areas in both public and private organizations. Central Bank, Capital Market Board, Stock Market, Chambers of Industry and Trade, State Planing Organization, Secreteriat of Treasury and such organizations in public sector, industrial enterprises and firms in service industry such as banks, tourism, insurance, consulting, auditing, international trade, logistics in private sector are suitable work environments. Graduate students may find employment opportunities in the departments of administration, organization, purchasing, sales, customer services, human resource, accounting, finance and such.
Access to Further Studies
The students graduated from this program may also apply for graduate programs to study.