Iannis Laimodetis has a B.Sc in Psychology from the University of Brussels. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of San Diego, USA.
Iannis Laimodetis is a martial arts instructor, specializing in defense and a sports general management graduate and trainer. He has been teaching psychological counseling to athletes for 28 years and has many titles and medals in his field. He has five books on sports and martial arts. He has been a speaker at numerous seminars in Europe, Asia and the USA.
Brussels cap partner. Lecturer at the University and the Greek Philosophy, Psychology and Research Association. He is a member of the Hellenic & European Consulting Society and a member of the Board of Directors. President of E.E.S and International Martial Arts Organization ISU.
In our center, the One-Year Training Program teaches ‘Basic Counseling Skills’ and the Three-Year Training Program for Mental Health Counselors ‘Counseling and Group Play through Synthetic Play Activity’.